DSP Connection Performance 150
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 11 • Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Remote—Reneg (dspRemoteRenegotiates)
The number of times the remote modem has asked for a renegotiation to be done.
Local—Retrain (dspLocalRetrains)
The number of times the local DSP has requested a retrain to be done.
Local—Reneg (dspLocalRenegotiates)
The number of times the local DSP has requested a renegotiation to be done.
Suspect—A (dspTotalWentSuspect)
The number of times an instance on this DSP went into the suspect state. An instance will go into the suspect
state when it fails to complete several calls to succession.
Suspect—B (dspTotalSavedFromSuspect)
An instance in the suspect state will recover from the suspect state as soon as it successfully takes an incoming
Reboot—A (dspTotalRebootDueToFails)
The number of times a DSP has been rebooted because it was in the suspect state and then took additional
calls which also did not connect successfully.
Reboot—B (dspTotalRebootDueToError)
The number of times a DSP has been rebooted because it was not responding properly to the main CPU driver