Displaying the Alarms window 26
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 4 • Alarms
• Modify Alarms—Clicking on this link takes you to a window where you can change how the access server
perceives the severity of each alarm (
“Modify Alarms—Configuring alarm severity levels” on page 29)
Alarm Response Outputs
Alarm Response Outputs display the current settings for handling alarm notification via SYSLOG/SNMP
messages. To change how the SYSLOG/SNMP function notifies remote users of an alarm, refer to
Response—Configuring the alarm response system” on page 27.
Alarm Syslog Priority (syslogAlarmPriority)
Displays the SYSLOG priority of the alarm SYSLOG message. If the minimum priority for SYSLOG daemon
(set under the System Log link) is less than this value, the SYSLOG daemon will receive the major or critical
alarm SYSLOG message.
Alarm SNMP Trap IP 1 (alarmTrapIp0)
The IP address of a host system which is running the SNMP trap daemon. Critical and major alarm messages
will be sent to the system. If set to then no trap message will be sent in response to a major alarm.
Alarm SNMP Trap IP 2 (alarmTrapIp1)
The IP address of a host system which is running the SNMP trap daemon. Critical and major alarm messages
will be sent to the system. If set to then no trap message will be sent in response to a major alarm.
Alarm SNMP Trap IP 3 (alarmTrapIp2)
The IP address of a host system which is running the SNMP trap daemon. Critical and major alarm messages
will be sent to the system. If set to then no trap message will be sent in response to a major alarm.
Alarm SNMP Trap IP 4 (alarmTrapIp3)
The IP address of a host system which is running the SNMP trap daemon. Critical and major alarm messages
will be sent to the system. If set to then no trap message will be sent in response to a major alarm.
Temperature Threshold (boxAlarmTemperature)
If the box registers a temperature greater than this temperature an alarm will be reported. Temperature is
reported in degrees Celsius.
Current Box Temperature (boxTemperature)
Displays the current temperature in Celsius.
Clear All Alarms
Clicking on this button resets all alarms to a non-alarm condition. Clear All Alarms does the following for all
alarms: it resets the alarm, resets Alarm Time to 0.0 seconds, and resets the Alarm Count to 0.
This portion of the Alarms main window displays the alarm status table, where you can view current alarm sta-
tus, manually generate an alarm as a test, and clear the alarm time and alarm count variables.
Alarm ID (alarmDefIndex)
This number identifies the alarm item.