Manage DNIS Window 85
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
Service Port (dnisProfileServicePort)
The TCP port that the remote server is listening at for connections.
Service IP (dnisProfileServiceIP)
The host IP address that rlogin, telnet and tcpraw connections will be forwarded to.
If the login technique is set to a value other than none, the default service
must be configured via RADIUS or the static user database for the user(s) to
make use of this redirection feature.
Telnet UserId (dnisProfileTelnetUserId)
Specifies the ID string that the device will submit during a Telnet session.
Telnet Mode (dnisProfileTelnetMode)
Specifies the mode–ASCII or Binary– that the device will use to start a Telnet session.
Status (dnisIpProfileStatus)
Indicates if the DNIS Profile is used in any DNIS configuration.
• active(1)—This profile is used in one or more DNIS configurations
• notUsed(2)—This profile is not used in any configurations
• destroy(3)—deletes the DNIS profile