P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 96
Terr interface: 1:Electrical
2:Control Lines 3:Card specific
Change, Terr-Intfc Menu
Terr-Interface: Nothing to configure
with card fitted (YES)
Change, Terr-Intfc, Alternate Menu
Set electrical interface: [?]
1=V.35 2=RS422 3=RS232 4=G.703
Change, Terr-Intfc, Electrical Menu, Interface
The Change Terr-Interface Menu brings up one of two screens depending on the interface card fitted:
If there are parameters to configure with the interface card fitted, then the options are:
ELECTRICAL For interface cards which support multiple electrical interfaces (eg currently
P1440, P1441 and P1442 cards), this option allows the interface to be selected.
For other cards the option may not be shown if the electrical interface cannot be
CONTROL LINES This allows the interface control lines such as RTS and DTR to be configured.
The operator has the option for each available control signal of ignoring the
signal, or raising a Traffic Fault alarm if the interface control line goes `Off`.
CARD SPECIFIC Some interfaces such as 64 kbps G.703 have specific faults they can monitor (in
the case of the 64 kbps G.703 interface it is the incoming octet timing), or options
on the outgoing signal (supply outgoing octet timing or not). Control over such
parameters is provided here.
6.8.1 Change, Terr-intfc, ELECTRICAL
With the standard P1440 (RS422, V.35, RS232, and optional G.703 interface) the following menu is shown
(it may vary if other interfaces are used). The G.703 option on this screen is only shown if a T1 or E1 G.703
option is fitted.
The selection is self explanatory. Note that the 25 pin EIA 530 connector and 37 pin RS449 connectors on
the rear of the equipment are connected in parallel, and both should not be used simultaneously. All
electrical interfaces are available on both connectors, including G.703 unless it is an E1 G.703 option
where the switch on the option card is set for 75
in which case the interface is on the BNC connectors
fitted as part of this option.