
P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 106
Customer specific requirements:
1:Relay mode [0] 2:Fault mode [0]
Change, User-Opt, Operation, Alarms Menu
Display: 1:Status screen
2:Upgrade messages/notes
Change, User-Opt, Display Menu
Analog output: [0] (0-15) ?? (YES)
0 AGC, 1-15 refer to handbook appdx E
Change, User-Opt, AGC Output Menu
6.10.8 Change, User-Opt, Operation, ALARMS Menu
The two options under this menu are to enable Paradise to add customer specific features to the standard
software and avoid having special versions of software for specific customers. As most special requests
relate to either alarm handling or relay operation, we have defined two user variables which we can test in
the main code, and if necessary perform special functions. This might include for example delaying the fault
relays under specific alarm conditions, as requested on our previous modem products.
The specific functions available are listed in Appendix E on page 201.
RELAY MODE A value from 0-15, where 0 is `Normal`. Default: 0
FAULT MODE A value from 0-15, where 0 is `Normal`. Default: 0
6.10.9 Change, User-Opt, DISPLAY Menu
The options are:
STATUS SCREEN This selection are covered in the section Status Screen Display on page 49. The
options available are Tx & RX TRAFFIC SUMMARY or CONFIGURATION
SUMMARY. Default Tx & Rx Traffic Summary
MESSAGES The unit will by default display notes on the LCD (typically “Note
”) when there
is an upgrade option available to add extra facilities at this point in the menu
structure. At such a point pressing the Down Arrow will explain what extra facilities
are possible. The operator has the choice to either ENABLE or DISABLE the
display of these messages. Default: Enable.
6.10.10 Change, User-Opt, AGC Output Menu
This option is only available if the Monitor/AGC option is fitted when the modem has an uncommitted 0-10V
DC output on the alarms connector, sourced from a 10 bit DAC. This has been specifically provided to allow
customer access to internal signals such as the AGC level or the Eb/No value. The exact signal output on
this port is user controlled by entering a number from 0-15 at this menu. The full list of options available
are described in Appendix E on page 201. Default: 0 (standard AGC voltage).