
P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 9
This handbook describes how to install and configure the P300 Series Satellite Modems. This includes the
original P300, the P300 Turbo, P310 L-Band and P311 mixed L-Band/IF Modems. Where ever reference
is made to the P300 or P300 Series modem it applies to all products unless specifically noted.
The P300 Series may be supplied equipped with different feature sets to suit different applications. This
means that the mix of features available in any modem (such as Drop/Insert, IDR framing etc) may be
tailored to suit any user requirement, however typically they are grouped into one of four standard
configurations as follows:
P300 / P310-VSAT Features for use in VSAT applications.
P300 / P310-IBS Features for IBS/SMS use (or thin route IDR below T1) services.
P300 / P310-IDR Features for IBS/SMS AND IDR services (IDR at T1 or greater).
P300 / P310-TCM Features for use in TCM, TCM/IDR, IBS/SMS and standard IDR services.
The table on page 11 summarises the different features, and which features are available in the four
standard configurations.
The P300 Series Modems are designed for operation in a typical ground station environment, providing a
data link between geographically distant sites via satellite. Like its predecessors, it is physically small, light,
and of rugged construction, allowing it also to be used in mobile and fly away terminals.
The P300 Series provides a data port on the terrestrial side which provides RS422, V.35, and RS232
software selectable interfaces on both 25 pin EIA 530 and 37 pin RS449 connectors. Optional G.703
interfaces provide either a T1 or E1 (1544kbps or 2048kbps) G.703 interface in addition to the standard
three interfaces. The modem couples into the ground station up / down converter chains on the RF side
at either 70MHz or, if the Wideband IF feature is available (standard on P300-IBS and above), 140MHz.
The status of a unit is available externally on `form c` relay outputs designed to connect to station
monitoring system. The modems also provides a complete remote Monitor & Control (M&C) port, allowing
the status to be remotely monitored and the unit controlled or the configuration changed.
If Async ESC feature is available (standard on P300-IBS and above) the modem can provide an
asynchronous Engineering Service Channel carried across the satellite link as an overhead added to the
main data channel. The ESC channel can be internally linked to the remote M&C port, allowing any modem
to be monitored or controlled from the distant end of the satellite link. In addition, external equipment (such
as radio transceivers) if coupled into the remote M&C port may also be accessed remotely over the satellite
Higher specified P300 modems additionally feature many advanced functions including variable code rate
Reed-Solomon, the ultimate in T1/E1 Drop/Insert functionality, separate ESC & Aux channels with
independent electrical interface selection, a built in Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT) which can run continuously
through the ESC or Aux channels logging results in the traffic log, plus a Closed Net Plus ESC (`minimum
overhead`) mode in which the overhead varies from <0.5% to whatever is required to support virtually any
async ESC channel requirements.
To provide as simple as possible software upgrade facility, the embedded monitor & control software can
be changed without opening the product. Unlike other equipment which holds the embedded M&C software
in EPROMs (requiring replacement EPROMs to be shipped, changed & returned), the P300 Modem M&C
software is downloaded in to FLASH memory via a rear panel serial port from a PC. A process which
requires no tools and is completed in 30 minutes. For operators requiring the latest features or upgrades,
the most recent release of the internal M&C software is available on our Web site
(http://www.paradisedata.com) for free download.