
Text on Display Description / Cause / Notes
Relays To Terr To Sat Other
P300H P300 Series Installation and Operating Handbook Page 216
BUC Fault: PLL in Block UpConverter lock fail The Modem is configured to operate with a Paradise BUCand the PLL generating the SHFcarrier in U TF BM
(10M ref' to BUC: On) the BUC has failed. The state of the reference feed to the BUC is also reported.
UNIT WARNINGS (Top+Bottom lines of disp’)
Unit Warnings: Deferred alarm relay only
Warning: TX CARRIER IS MUTED as power The Tx carrier is set to mute after a power fail. The power has failed and returned and the operator is D It is the carrier mute
outage, CARRIER: 1=Restore 2=Mute offered the option to restore the Tx carrier status to ON. The Tx carrier is set under Change, Tx, which causes the
Mod, Carrier warning
Warning: Int' temp <nn>C, Tx CARRIER This message refers to the internal unit temperature, Check the modem vent slots are clear and the D
WILL MUTE outside operating range 0-60C rear fan has not failed. This Tx Mute may be disabled, see Fault Mode = 8 in Appendix E
Warning: 10MHz Reference clk in failed, The station clock, set to 10MHz, has been selected as the reference the Tx & Rx synthesisers, but it D
IF & Clocks switched to int' 1PPM ref. has failed. Check the signal applied to the station clock port.
Unit Warn: Turbo codec DLL fail (<error This is an internal failure, consult the factory with the error code. Typically though it is caused by D
code>) poor seating of the Turbo option board on the mating connectors.