
P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 12
This list highlights some of the notable features about the P300 Series Modems:
All P300 Series Modems (ie base modem features)
Variable data rate in 1 bps steps with fast acquisition even at low data rates
Viterbi FEC (to IESS 308/309), rate ½, 3/4 & 7/8 in BPSK, QPSK and OQPSK.
100Hz IF resolution
RS422, V.35, and RS232 DCE interface on both EIA 530 25 pin and RS449 37 pin connectors.
Can accommodate Viterbi & Sequential FEC simultaneously
Built in 1-FOR-1 Redundancy Controller (requires only cables, passive IF splitter/combiner &
second modem for complete 1:1 in just 2U)
0-99ms Doppler/plesiochronous buffer
Full remote M&C
1000 event traffic log, with facility to continuously log circuit performance at regular intervals (logs
average & worst case Eb/No and/or user BER)
`In The Rack` upload of revised internal software
25dB Tx IF level control in 0.1dB steps
Band limited IF input capable of operating with high composite power (ie IF input not `wide open`
and affected by out of band signals)
1PPM internal frequency & clock reference, with external station clock input & options for higher
stability internal references
CCITT & INTELSAT V.35 scramblers for closed network operation, with additional two modes for
compatibility with FDC and Linkabit proprietary patterns.
Deferred alarm at user set service limits (individual Eb/No, BER & Buffer slip thresholds)
Frequency locked clock loops (ie not phase locked) immune to clock hits caused by equipment
such as routers
Comprehensive monitoring and status display, with explicit fault descriptions of most significant
fault for Tx & Rx paths
P500 1-FOR-N Switch available allowing mixed interfaces within 1:N system
Supported by Alphawave CAM multi-product remote M&C system which can provide centralised
log gathering on a PC (including logged circuit performance figures, eg Eb/No every 10 mins)
Software includes two `User Variables` to accommodate custom user requirements (such as
special alarm handling), allowing special user requested features to be added whilst still keeping
common software
Clear display, intuitive menus with `Normal` selections & efficient user interface with full keyboard
Tx or Rx paths may be selected as `Off`, muting appropriate alarms in Tx or Rx only applications
Three form `C` relays providing prompt Tx/Rx Traffic faults, as well as a prompt unit (equipment)
fault and a deferred alarm.