P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 73
Set AUPC Mode: [Off]
1=Off 2=Mon dist' 3=Maint' EbNo 4=Self mon
Change, Tx, Modulator, AUPC Mode Menu
Set AUPC max positive delta power
[3.5dB] (0-25.0dB) ??.?dB (Yes)
Change, Tx, Modulator, AUPC, Max Menu
6.6.18 Change, Tx, Modulator, AUPC, MODE Menu
NOTE: You probably need permission from the satellite operators to use AUPC unless you have a blanket
power budget which you may use as you see fit.
The modes are as follows:
OFF The modem disables the Auto Uplink Power Control, the Tx power will not adjust
dynamically. Any AUPC positive or negative delta power adjustment to the Tx
output power It is removed instantaneously (ie a Tx power step). Any bandwidth
within the ESC channel used by the AUPC It is released back for ESC usage.
MON DIST' The local modem utilises the async ESC channel between the local and distant
modems to regularly collect Eb/No and BER data from the distant modem. This
can be displayed with Monitor, Distant Eb/No & BER. This It is not an `active`
AUPC mode and the Tx power will not adjust dynamically, it simply allows local
monitoring (and logging) of distant performance.
MAINT Eb/No This It is full AUPC mode. As with MON DIST' above it uses the ESC channel to
collect Eb/No information from the distant modem, but in addition it varies the Tx
power within the constraints provided to maintain a specified distant Eb/No.
SELF MON This It is ONLY used in Tx only applications (typically point to multipoint) to
attempt to maintain the Eb/No at (multiple) Rx only stations. It requires the
modem to be able to receive the its own carrier via satellite (not by any form of IF
loop). In operation it monitors the local Rx Eb/No and adjusts the local Tx power
to keep this local Eb/No constant. This means it can compensate for atmospheric
changes which affect the Tx signal to the satellite, and LOCAL atmospheric
changes affecting the Rx signal from the satellite. If however (as It is common)
there are multiple Rx terminals over a wide geographical area, then different
atmospheric conditions over each terminal will still cause a variation in the Eb/No
for each terminal.
Note: See AUPC in section 8.11.1 on page 154 regarding the async ESC channel requirements in order
for local modem to distant modem communications in order for modes `Mon Dist` and `Maint Eb/No` to
operate. Note also that the distant modem must be set for remote reporting of Eb/No with Change, Rx,
Demod, AUPC.
6.6.19 Change, Tx, Modulator, AUPC, MAX Menu
This allows the maximum additional power that the AUPC can use to maintain the distant Eb/No to be set.
Set this so that the total maximum power (ie the nominal power set with Change, Tx, Mod, Power PLUS
the AUPC Max positive delta power) It is within the constraints put upon your carrier by the satellite