P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 176
The P1451 interface provides support for the Eurocom D/1 interface often used in military or government
applications, it includes both the Eurocom `D` and `G` interfaces as defined for the Eurocom Tactical
Communications systems.
In addition to the Eurocom modes, it also provides all the features of the standard P1440 interface including
RS422, V.35, RS232 and optional G.703 operation. The single exception to this is that the P1451 omits the
RS449 pinout 37 pin `D` type female connector (leaving only the EIA 530 pin out 25 pin connector of the
P1440 card), and adds instead a second 25 pin connector (a male) for the Eurocom interface.
Note that although the RS422/V.35/RS232 and G.703 modes are still compatible with 1:1 redundant
operation (as with the P1440), the Eurocom interfaces ARE NOT 1:1 compatible.
IMPORTANT: The Eurocom modes are activated by grounding certain pin combinations on the Eurocom
connector. With no pins grounded (or the Eurocom lead unplugged), the card operates just as the
standard P1440, allowing software selection of the interface (RS422/V.35/RS232/G.703), control lines
in non-G.703 modes (RTS etc in), and line code and length (in G.703 modes). With the appropriate pins
grounded the modem recognises it as a Eurocom D or G card, and the software selections relating to
the other interfaces are not available.
NOTE ESPECIALLY: That when switching between Normal, Eurocom D and Eurocom G modes (ie
exchanging connectors if the links to enable the Eurocom modes are in the cables), that the modem must
be RESET in order to recognise and correctly operate with the new card type. This is achieved simply by
removing the power cord for a few seconds, and then re-powering the unit.
To verify if the card is in a Eurocom mode select Main, Info, Terr-Intfc from the menu and read the card
To use this interface in RS422/V.35/RS232 or G.703 modes, please disconnect any connectors from the
Eurocom interface, and treat the card exactly as the P1440 card described earlier. For operation in
Eurocom modes, please continue reading.
Note: For non-Eurocom operation without a G.703 option fitted, a small 2 x 4 header is required plugged
into J4 (exactly as per the P1440) in order for RS422, V.35 and RS232 modes to work. Equipment is
supplied with the header fitted, but be aware of this if ever removing a G.703 option card.