P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 101
User options: 1:Alarm thresholds
2:Operation 3:Display 4:Analog o/p
Change, User-Opt Menu
Thresholds: 1:Final BER [1.0E-5] 2:Demod Eb/No [6.0]dB
3:Buffer slip [24]hrs 4:DISTANT Eb/No[8.5]dB
Change, User-Opt, Thresholds Menu
User options: 1:Default 2:Actions 3:Terr’
4:Sat’ 5:Terr/Sat 6:Alarms
Change, User-Opt, Operation Menu
This screen allows access to all the user options, which are described in the following paragraphs.
6.10.1 Change, User-Opt, THRESHOLDS Menu
This screen allows the operator to set thresholds at which a deferred alarm is raised, to allow action to be
taken before the service degrades too far.
USER BER The operator may enter a BER at which the deferred alarm is raised should the
estimated USER BER degrade below this threshold.
DEMOD Eb/No The operator may also or alternatively set a deferred alarm threshold for the
Eb/No measured by the demodulator. This is the Eb/No as displayed on the
screen whenever the demodulator status is displayed.
BUFFER SLIP The operator may also instruct the modem to raise the deferred alarm if the
interval between buffer slips is less than a preset threshold. The threshold is set
in hours, and may be for example set to 960 hours (40 days) or 1728 (72 days)
to warn if the criteria for clock accuracies for a specific service are not being met.
DISTANT Eb/No If the AUPC feature is active in either `Maintain Eb/No` or `Monitor Distant` modes
(refer to AUPC in section 8.11.1 on page 154) the operator has the facility to raise
a deferred alarm if the DISTANT Eb/No falls below the user set threshold. This
can be used in conjunction with the AUPC to indicate when the AUPC has
reached the user set limit for maximum Tx power, but the distant Rx Eb/No has
still fallen below the desired limit.
6.10.2 Change, User-Opt, OPERATION Menu
The operator has control over may parameters which are the subject of either personal or company
preference. A single menu choice DEFAULT ALL resets these to the Paradise Defaults which are listed in
the following paragraphs along with each parameter.