
P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 114
1:DC Supply[15V] 2:10M Ref[Off]
Change, BUC/LNB, Rx/LNB, DC & References Menu
Set downconverter freq shift to display &
edit Rx freq at antenna:[Yes] 1=Yes 2=No
Change, BUC/LNB, Rx/LNB, SHF Frequency Menu 1
Freq shift of downconverter:[13050 MHz]
(0-65535MHz) ??.??? (YES)
Change, BUC/LNB, Rx/LNB, SHF Frequency Menu 2
6.12.9 Change, BUC/LNB, Rx/LNB, DC & REFERENCES Menu
DC SUPPLY The P310 L-Band modem can supply either 15V or 24V at 500mA to the LNB `up
the coax` or `line powered`. The option available here are Off, 15V or 24V.
CAUTION: Needless to say severe damage may occur if a DC supply (or the
wrong voltage DC supply) is fed to a LNB not configured for being `Line powered`.
10M REF The internal 10MHz reference may similarly be sourced from the modem `up the
coax` to the LNB. The only option available here is On or Off.
6.12.10 Change, BUC/LNB, Rx/LNB, SHF FREQUENCIES Menu
Similar to the BUC option, this screen is available on both 70MHz/140MHz P300 modems and P310 L-Band
modems, and allows the modem to be set to display and edit the final SHF frequencies instead of the IF
frequencies. When the LNB Type has been set to a predefined type (ie not None or Other) then this setting
is done automatically and the menu option to manually set the frequency shift is not presented.
If Yes is selected then the following screen is displayed:
Once set all Rx IF frequencies displayed or edited include the frequency shift of the LNB or downconverter
Note this manual entry of SHF Frequency shift always assumes a low side Local Oscillator (LO) and
therefore displays the SHF Frequency = LO + IF. There is no means to enter a High Side LO, where the
SHF frequency received would be LO - IF Frequency (unlike the situation where the modem is told it has
a Std C band LNB, and knows that a high side LO is used).