P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 124
Test modes: [Off] 1=Off 2:Tx CW
3:Tx Alt 1,0 4=RS corrections disable
Test, RF & FEC Menu
PSU: +5V +15V -15V -5V Temp
Status: 97% 98% 102% 98% 46C
Test, PSU’s + Temp Menu
6.16.2 Test, RF & FEC Menu
The test modes available are:
OFF All test modes are cancelled.
TX CW Selecting TX CW causes a pure carrier to be transmitted. This is useful for
evaluating phase noise and spurious, but should not be used over a live satellite
TX ALT 1,0 Selecting TX alt 1,0 causes an alternating 1,0,1,0.... pattern to be fed to the
modulator at the symbol rate. This produces two discrete frequencies to be
generated, spaced at ± symbol rate about the (suppressed) carrier. This is useful
for evaluating the carrier suppression of the modulator but should not be used
over a live satellite link.
DISABLE This option allows the corrections being made by the RS decoder to be inhibited,
without the removal of the RS overhead. This allows the true effect of the Reed-
Solomon codec to be seen without data rate changes (which would affect Eb/No
and therefore the error rate).
6.16.3 Test, PSU’S + TEMP Menu
Power supply monitoring is only available if the Monitor/AGC option is fitted. If it is not the screen above
displays only the temperature. When selected this displays all of the internal power supply lines & internal
temperature as monitored by the processor with each PSU line is displayed as percentage of the nominal
value. The temperature is monitored continuously and a Unit Warning /deferred alarm will be activated if
ever the internal temperature reaches within 3 degrees Centigrade of the operating limits of 0C and 60C.
Should the internal temperature exceed the limits of 0C and 60C, then a Unit Fault / Prompt Alarm is
activated. The Tx carrier is muted outside the operating temperature range.