
P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 105
Terr/Sat: 1:BufferMF slip
2:Thin Route Spoof 3:X.50 AIS 4:G.732 spares
Change, User-Opt, Operation, Terr/Sat Menu
three ID's to be set (0-255 for each), and also displays the corresponding ID's
from the incoming Rx carrier. Default: all 255
MAP In Custom IBS Modes it is possible to operate an IBS style service, and allow the
use of four independent backward alarms (as for IDR) for use on
multidestinational services. This option allows the four alarms to be mapped in
different ways onto the IBS TS32 multiframe, in the hope that should INTELSAT
adopt such a standard, the P300 Modems could be set to be compatible with
however INTELSAT might define it. Default: four alarms in a 64 frame cycle.
The IF Impedance is selected on this menu. There are no electrical changes
made when this option is changed as the IF ports are matched to both 50
operation, there is simply a slight adjustment of the internal power
calibrations & readings to maintain accurate level control & indication.
6.10.7 Change, User-Opt, Operation, TERR/SAT Menu
SLIP For data rates of 1544 kbps and 2048 kbps where the data is framed, the buffer
is usually made to slip integer multiples of the frame length (3ms and 2ms
respectively).This option sets if the buffer capacity should automatically be
incremented to the nearest integer multiple of frame length at these specific rates.
Options are Adjust (Normal) or Don't Adjust. Default: ADJUST
SPOOF This interestingly named option is to allow full connectivity of a PCM bearer to be
`spoofed` even if the link is connected over satellite via a `thin route` (ie less than
the full PCM bearer using Drop/Insert). If enabled the following features of the
PCM system appear transparent end to end:
AIS (all ones), Backward Alarm, CAS Backward alarm (G.732 only)
NOTE: When enabled AIS is forced over the whole PCM bearer, and so this
option should not be used with cascaded Drop/Insert, where AIS from the second
modem in a cascade would cause the inserted data from the first in the cascade
to be lost. Options are Spoof or Off. Default: Off
X.50 AIS In standard IBS operation 48 & 56kbps are X.50 `bit stuffed` up to 64kbps prior
to framing. It is not clear how AIS is intended to be transferred in these cases and
so AIS can remain at 48 or 56kbps and still be X.50 stuffed, or AIS can be set at
64kbps. Options are 64k AIS (normal) or 48/56k AIS. Default: 64k AIS (Normal)
G.732 SPARES When the terrestrial data rate is 2048kbps in IBS/SMS mode, the operator can
select Normal or G.732 mode of operation (corresponding to INTELSATs
confusing definition of 2048kbps and 1920/1984kbps operation). This option
allows the spare bits of the TS0 of the terrestrial G.732 frame to be either
transparent across the link, or forced to all ones. Refer to section 7.2.1 "Change,
Tx/Rx, Baseband, Continuous, 2048k Menu (IBS)" on page 137 for further
information on operation in this mode. Options are Transparent or Fix High.
Default: Fix High.