
P300H P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook Page 15
P300 / P310 -TCM Additional Features
8PSK with rate TCM (50% bandwidth of QPSK ½ rate Viterbi)
Extended D/I Feature
The extended Drop/Insert provides significant extra features compared to the basic Drop/Insert
feature set:
Arbitrary & independent timeslot re-ordering for Drop & Insert
Full support for G.732 Channel Associated Signalling (CAS) over IBS/SMS links
T1-D4 & T1-ESF Robbed Bit Signalling (RBS) maintenance over IBS/SMS links
Maintenance of timeslot ID for N=1 to 31 inclusive when using any framing (normally only
N=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24 are maintained for IBS/SMS and there is no ID
maintenance for IDR)
Insertion of only partial received data (for multi-destinational working)
`Custom Features` Feature
With respect to the Reed-Solomon, the Custom Features provides:
Codeword length (`n`) variable from 60 to 255
Error correct bytes (`t`) variable from 2 to 20 in steps of two
Selectable 4 and 8 depth interleaving
With respect to the Framing, the Custom Features provides:
Custom IDR Modes including 16kbps ADPCM mode providing all normal IDR facilities in a
64kbps overhead, or all normal IDR facilities plus a 32kbps Aux channel in the normal 96kbps
overhead (which allows an internal or external PRBS test to run in parallel with the traffic to
monitor the service quality). The overhead can also be reduced to provide reduced IDR
facilities with 64kbps or 32kbps overheads.
Custom IBS/SMS modes including facilities for multidestinational IBS carriers with 4 backward
alarms, and Minimum Overhead modes (a more configurable version of Closed Net Plus ESC)
where the overhead varies from the standard 16/15 (6.7%). In minimum overhead mode the
user sets the required ESC Baud rate and the overhead is scaled to the minimum value to
provide the service required. For example 2048kbps with 9600 Baud ESC in overhead of <1%,
or 64kbps data with ESC rates up to 38.4kBaud
With respect to the ESC Channels
Full user allocation of the overhead between ESC and Aux channels in IBS/SMS modes,
providing user control over the relative rates of the async ESC channel and the sync Aux
Turbo Product Code Forward Error Correction (TPC FEC))
Turbo codec for bandwidth and power efficiency
Software can support up to 31 preset code rates (initial rates includes rate ½, ¾, & 0.789)
¾ Rate for compatibility with industry De-Facto Turbo.
½, ¾ & Rate allow switch to Turbo & better margin / quality of service than Viterbi in same space
segment (eg fixed capacity on long lease)
0.789 rate provides optimised performance near 3/4 rate for newer circuits.
Monitor / AGC Option
Monitor and display of Rx carrier level
Rear panel PSK constellation monitor point
An uncommitted 0-10V DC analogue output, set from the front panel to output AGC/Signal level
(for antenna pointing / tracking), Eb/No, user BER or any other parameter available internally.
Auto Uplink Power Control (AUPC) Feature
AUPC via async ESC channel on IBS/SMS, IDR and Closed Net Plus ESC carriers (ie overheads
down to <1%).
Automatically Interleaves AUPC with distant end remote M&C (if active) on ESC channel.
Monitor only option for distant end Eb/No & BER monitoring without power control.
Adds optional automatic regular logging of AUPC delta power and distant end Eb/No.
Uni-directional, bi-directional and broadcast (Tx only / self monitor) modes.