
P300H P300 Series Installation and Operating Handbook Page 215
Actions (see notes at end of table)
Text on Display Description / Cause / Notes
Relays To Terr To Sat Other
UNIT FAULTS (Top+Bottom lines of display)
Unit Faults: Status LED=Red, & Unit Fault (prompt) relay
Software Initialising please wait Unit executing power up sequence (<5 secs) U,T,D CM
Unit Fault: Tx carrier muted, unit temp This message refers to the internal unit temperature, Check the modem vent slots are clear and the U TA,TC CM ! CM,TF
<nn>C outside operating range 0-60C rear fan has not failed. This may be disabled, see Fault Mode = 8 in Appendix E
Unit Fault: PSU fault on The failed PSU line is shown together with its current value in % of nominal. The unit has a linear U TA,TC CM ! CM,TF
<line>, now <nnn>% supply and will fail if the mains input is below the specified minimum level. Check the mains voltage.
Check the internal PCB mounted Low Voltage fuses.
Unit Fault: Internal LCA programming Internal hardware has failed to initialise, disconnect the mains, wait 5 seconds and then connect it U TA,TC CM ! CM,TF
error (cycle power supply) again. If the fault persists see note 8.
Unit Fault: Internal fault, consult factory See note 8 U TA,TC CM ! CM,TF
Unit Fault: Tx IF synth failure, The synthesiser which generates the Tx IF carrier has failed. The unit has muted the Tx IF output to U CM ! CM,TF
Tx carrier muted prevent transmitting an incorrect signal. An external 10MHz station reference may be used as the
synthesizer reference, so if the station reference is in use check the it is present and has clean
enough phase noise for its intended use.
Unit Fault: Tx carrier generation The power detector on the generated Tx carrier indicates a carrier generation failure. The unit has U CM ! CM,TF
failure, Tx carrier muted muted the Tx IF output to prevent transmitting an incorrect signal. See note 8.
Unit Fault: Rx IF synth failure The synthesiser which generates the LO to receive the Rx carrier has failed. An external 10MHz U TA,TC RF
station reference may be used as the synthesizer reference, so if the station reference is in use
check the it is present and has clean enough phase noise for its intended use.
Unit Fault: Rx PLL internal The internal backup reference to the Rx PLL has itself failed. This is only actually used when the U TA,TC RF
backup reference has failed
external reference sources have failed, however it’s failure is very significant as the same signal is
used in many places within the modem. See note 8.
Unit Fault: Rx PLL Clock The internal backup clock, generated by the Rx PLL has itself failed. This is only actually used when U TA,TC RF
generation failure (<source>/int)
the external primary clocks sources have failed, however it’s failure is very significant as it should
never fail as it is internally generated. See note 8.
Modem/BUC Fault: FSK Comms with BUC The Modem is configured to operate with a Paradise BUC, and FSK communications between the U TF
failed (searching BUC address: xx) modem and BUC have failed. The modem will sequentially search the available range of BUC
addresses in case a replacement BUC set for a different address has been installed
BUC Fault: Outside operating temperature The Modem is configured to operate with a Paradise BUC. When the Modem reads the BUC U TF BM
range (now xx) temperature by FSK and the BUC is outside it’s operating temperature.