2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Playing Back an ASCII (CSV) File in Trend
Link, 5-6
Positioning and rack mounting, 2-5
ac, 2-6
dc, 2-7
Power source, connecting to and instrument
grounding, 2-5
Power-on options, 2-21
Precision, optimizing performance for, 4-21
Preferences, Background, 5-21
Preferences, Curve, 5-18
instrument, 2-3
Preparing for operation, 2-3
Printing a Chart, 5-24
Printing and viewing data files, 4-18
Quick plot, 4-11
Rack mounting, 2-5
Reading Rate, Selecting the, 3-17
Real-time clock and calendar, A-7
Real-time displays
dynamic data exchange (DDE), 4-7
instrument front panel, 4-7
logging status, 4-6
quick plot, 4-6
readings table, 4-6
spy, 4-6
Trend Link, 4-7
Real-Time Frequency Update, 5-23
Rear panel controls, 2-20
Rear panel indicators, 2-20
Replacement parts, 6-36
Replacement, fuse, 6-4
RS-232, 1-13
custom-385, D-2
fixed-385, D-1
using custom-385 with other platinum
RTDs, D-3
RTD linearization, D-1
RTD temperature accuracy test (DIN/IEC
751 RTD), 6-25
RTD temperature accuracy test (resistance)
(2640A), 6-24
RTD temperature accuracy test (resistance)
(2645A), 6-25
Saving an instrument configuration as a text
file, 3-28
Saving the current setup, 3-11
Scaling, Mx+B, 1-7, 3-22
Scan queue overflows, J-1
Scanning and logging, 1-13
Scanning duration, selecting an
instrument’s, 4-5
Scanning rate, increasing, 4-20
Segmented networks, IP addresses and, I-6
Self-diagnostic tests, 6-3
, 6-35
Setting host computer networking
parameters, 2-51
Setup file
starting NetDAQ Logger with, 3-13
Setup files, 3-11
opening, 3-12
Shielded wiring, 2-11
Shielding considerations, B-1
Simulated logging, 4-5
Specifications, A-1
2640A, A-7
2645A, A-17
2-Wire resistance measurement
(2645A), A-22
2-Wire resistance measurement
(2640A), A-13
4-Wire resistance measurement
(2640A), A-12
4-Wire resistance measurement
(2645A), A-21
4-Wire RTD per ITS-1990 measurement
(2645A), A-22
ac voltage measurement (2640A), A-9