Network Considerations
Newt Networking Software
Ethernet Components and Wiring The NetDAQ instruments and host computer
should be connected to the network as shown in Chapter 2 of this manual.
Instrument Preparation Each NetDAQ instrument should be connected to an ac
outlet or dc source with a proper ground. The instrument’s line frequency and
network parameters should be set properly (see “Instrument Preparation” in
Chapter 2 of this manual).
General Network Parameters Before you begin software installation, obtain the
parameters needed to complete the items listed below. These parameters are
available from your network administrator, network software vendor, or Ethernet
adapter documentation. The default gateway parameters are only needed if your
network contains router or gateway devices. The Ethernet adapter parameters are
needed only if this hardware is not in the list of devices supported by the Newt
installation program. The socket port number is needed only if the default socket
port number (4369) is currently in use on your network.
If your host computer is already running network software in the Windows 3.1 or
3.11 environment using a separate adapter and isolated network wiring, make sure
that the two Ethernet adapters do not interfere with each other. Consult the
documentation that came with your Ethernet adapter and see and see “Running
Two Network Cards in a PC” in this appendix for information on installing two
network adapters on one host computer.
Newt TCP/IP vs. Novell NetWare I-18.
If you have the Novell TCP/IP package (LAN Workplace for DOS/Windows) with
WINSOCK already installed on your PC, you do not need to install the Newt
package. You do, however, need to get the winsock.dll associated with the
LAN Workplace product from Novell. This is available by down-load from
CompuServe or from the Novell BBS.
If you don’t have the Novell TCP/IP package, use the Newt package with the basic
NetWare client software on your PC. First, boot your PC with your Novell
NetWare Client software active. Make sure that the version of NetWare you have
uses an ODI driver.
Next, use the basic Newt installation procedure in this appendix. Newt Setup will
detect the presence of the Novell NetWare software and automatically modify the
NetWare net.cfg file. If Newt Setup cannot find the active net.cfg file, it
will prompt you for its location.
Novell NetWare uses an ODI driver, loaded during your Novell client code setup.
The Newt TCP/IP stack will be loaded to operate over this driver.
On completion of Newt installation, you will see that the net.cfg file in the
Novell NetWare directory has had something like the following lines added
(example for the Intel EtherExpress 16C adapter).