Network Considerations
Newt Networking Software
Table I-1. Newt Quick Check
Newt Error Messages
Description of Problems and Problem Resolution
Plug-in Card
Failed to get interface
characteristics table
1. No Ethernet card is installed. Complete "Installing the Host
Computer Ethernet Adapter” in Chapter 2 of this manual.
Failed to initialize
2. The installed Ethernet card does not match the Newt Custom
Hardware selection. Change hardware selection. See Step 4 of
the Newt installation procedure.
3. Newt was installed but the computer was not rebooted to
implement the changes to the autoexec.bat and config.sys files.
Reboot the computer.
Failed to open driver 4. The Ethernet card I/O Base Address given in step 5 is incorrect.
1. No Ethernet adapter or the adapter is not powered. Check that
the Ethernet Adapter power LED (red) is on.
Failed to get interface
characteristics table
2. The installed Ethernet Adapter does not match the Newt Custom
Hardware selection. See Step 4 of the Newt installation
3. Newt was installed but the computer was not rebooted to
implement the changes to the autoexec.bat and config.sys files.
Reboot the computer.
Failed to initialize
4. There is an IRQ5 or IRQ7 (Interrupt Request) conflict with your
parallel port. For example, you may be sharing the IRQ with a
bus mouse (a mouse not connected to a COM port). In DOS, use
the MSD utility (supplied with Windows) to examine your
computer setup and make corrections as required, or use a
different parallel port.
Failed to open driver 5. Errors in autoexec.bat, config.sys, or win.ini. See Table I-2 for the
correct listings. Use the Notepad accessory to check each file
and make corrections.