Operating NetDAQ Logger for Windows
Data Files
Items: ‘Cnn’ (nn is the channel number 01 to 30)
DIO (Digital I/O status, decimal equivalent of the 8 I/O lines)
Totalizer (Totalizer count, 0 to 4294967295)
Alarm1 (Alarm 1 status, decimal equivalent of the 30 Alarm 1 states)
Alarm2 (Alarm 2 status, decimal equivalent of the 30 Alarm 2 states)
ELDateTime (Scan date/time in Excel/Lotus 1, 2, 3 format)
Begin data collection, observing the data display in the client application. The
timestamps are directly compatible with Excel and Lotus 1,2,3 analysis
Data Files 4-14.
Data files contain the measurement data collected from the instruments. After the
instrument completes a measurement scan, the data is stored temporarily in the
instrument’s internal memory. NetDAQ Logger retrieves the scan data over the
network and records it into a data file. Data files are recorded in one of three
formats: Fast Binary, ASCII, or Trend Link.
A summary of each data file type is as follows.
• Fast Binary
The Fast Binary data file format provides the fastest way of getting data to
disk and uses the least amount of disk space. Fast Binary is the only data file
format that you can convert directly to the other two data file formats: ASCII
(CSV) and Trend Link. The NetDAQ Logger Utilities menu lists the
conversion utilities for Fast Binary files.
The ASCII (CSV) data file format stores the data in ASCII characters and is
directly compatible with analysis applications like Excel and Lotus 1,2,3. If
you use a spreadsheet for data analysis, then the ASCII (CSV) data file format
may be the best choice.
You can covert an ASCII file to text. The text data file format is the same as
the ASCII format, except that the timestamps have been converted into
date/time strings using the Converting Data File ASCII Timestamps
procedure (Utilities menu). The default file extension for text data files is