2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Configuring the Current Setup 3-10.
NetDAQ Logger keeps track of all instrument configuration information (e.g.,
reading rate and measurement functions) for all the instruments represented on the
icon bar. This collection of information is called the current setup. NetDAQ
Logger allows you to save the current setup to a file and open previously saved
setup files. You can start up NetDAQ Logger by opening a setup file. You can
also set up NetDAQ Logger to automatically load a particular setup file and,
optionally, start logging automatically.
When you first start NetDAQ Logger following installation, NetDAQ Logger
displays a default current setup. You can add instruments to the setup from the
Instrument on Network list (see Creating an Instrument Icon) and you can delete
instruments from the current setup (see Deleting an Instrument Icon). You can
also designate two or more instruments as a group instrument.
After you add an instrument to the current setup, you can set the various
configuration parameters for that instrument and you can initiate data logging for
that instrument.
After you remove an instrument from the current setup, NetDAQ Logger discards
that instrument’s configuration information from the current setup. If you add the
instrument back to the current setup, it will have default configuration settings.
Creating an Instrument Icon 3-11.
To create an instrument icon, use the following procedure:
1. Select Setup | Create Instrument Icon to open the Create Instrument Icon
dialog box. If you receive the message, “No instruments are available for
association!,” you must first select Setup | Communication Config. to add
instruments to the Instruments on Network list. See “Configuring Network
Communications” for details.
2. Select the instrument from the Available Instruments list, where the
instruments are listed by BCN number. If the instrument you want to add is
not listed, then either it already has an icon or it is not on the Instruments on
Network List.