2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
• Trend Link
The Trend Link data file format requires using the real-time trending
capability offered by the Trend Link trending package. You can record data
into Fast Binary and then convert it into the Trend Link format.
When using the Trend Link format, you may specify a deadband value for
each channel. This value determines the amount of change that a channel
reading value must undergo before an updated value is logged into the file.
The deadband value helps to limit the quantity of data recorded to the data
The Trend Link format also allows you to place data into batches. The Trend
Link application can display data from multiple batches, allowing direct
comparison between current and historical data.
The auto rollover feature provides a means of logging data into a series of files
rather than a single file, for easier data management. NetDAQ Logger will
automatically “rollover” a data file when a specified condition is met, such as file
size. When a rollover occurs, the current data is renamed and a new file is created
with the original filename. ASCII (CSV) and binary files are sequenced as
filename.001, filename.002, etc. In the Trend Link format, data is recorded into
the *.now file and rolled into *.tlg files.
Configuring a Data File 4-15.
Complete the following procedure to configure a data file for recording
instrument measurement data. Each Asynchronous Instrument or Group
Instrument has its own data file.
1. Highlight the instrument icon on the Icon Bar (for a Group Instrument, select
the Master). Open the Instrument Configuration dialog box.
2. Click Data File to open the Data File Configuration dialog box.