2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Instrument [BCN] already has this filename!
Your have configured more than one instrument with the same data file name.
Check your data file names and make sure each instrument has a unique data file
name, or uncheck Enable Data File Recording in the Data File Configuration
dialog box.
Instrument BCN does not match! Reconfigure Communications!
You have a BCN mismatch between what is entered at the instrument and what is
entered in NetDAQ Logger.
The BCN shown on the Icon Bar and the BCN shown on the instrument front
panel do not agree. Change one or the other. If you change the BCN for an
instrument, you must change it at both the instrument front panel and in the
Communications Configuration File.
Instrument has older software that will not support computed channel
equations or custom RTDs!
You attempted to configure computed channel equations or custom RTDs on an
instrument that does not support these features.
As long as you do not attempt to set computed channel equations or custom RTDs
in NetDAQ Logger, you can continue to operate with your current software. If you
want to use these features, you will need to contact a Fluke Service Center for a
software upgrade.
Instrument is busy completing its last received command!
Your instrument is currently processing a command and cannot accept another
command until the first command operation is complete.
This can occur when sending a command to an instrument after aborting the
Reading Remaining Scan process, particularly when the measurement time of a
scan is long. Long measurement times result from configuring several channels
with slow-reading functions such as frequency and AC volts.
Instrument is in use by another PC, or Socket Port number is
You are trying to operate the instrument from more than one host computer, or the
instrument Socket Port does not match the host computer Socket Port.
Operate the instrument from one host computer at a time, or check the Socket Port
settings at both the instrument and host computer.