2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Playing Back an ASCII (CSV) File in Trend Link 5-5.
To play back a NetDAQ Logger ASCII (CSV) data file in Trend Link, refer to
“Importing Trend Link Data Files” in this chapter. Specify Fluke Format (*.csv)
for the Import File Type. Be sure you do NOT import the same ASCII (CSV) file
more than once into the same Data Set as this causes a timestamp conflict.
For future NetDAQ Logger data logging, you may prefer to use Fast Binary
instead of ASCII data file format. Fast Binary converts easily to Trend Link
format when you select Utilities | Binary to Trend Link Conversion. Fast Binary
also converts easily to ASCII (CSV) format when you select Utilities | Binary to
ASCII Conversion.
Importing Trend Link Data Files 5-6.
You can import standard *.csv, Iconics Format (*.prn), and Fluke Format
*.csv data files using the Trend Link Import *.CSV File utility. For example
purposes, the procedure below shows how to import a Fluke Format ASCII (CSV)
data file. You can adapt this procedure to standard *.csv and Iconics Format
*.prn as required.
Create a New Trend Link Data Set Directory 5-7.
1. In the Windows Explorer utility, create a new folder for a Trend Link Data
Set in c:\Program Files\Fluke\netdaq by highlighting the
c:\Program Files\Fluke\netdaq folder and then selecting File |
New | Folder. Use the NetDAQ convention for Trend Link Data Set folders by
starting with an underscore, followed by up to seven characters with the
extension *.set. Click OK.
Hint: Use the Configurator program supplied with Trend Link to create a new
Data Set. See Configurator program information in the Trend Link for Fluke
Reference Manual.
2. Observe that Windows Explorer shows the new folder under c:\Program
Add the New Folder to the Trend Link infolink
ini File 5-8.
While still in Windows Explorer, select the file c:\Program
Files\Fluke\tl\infolink.ini, which opens the file in the Windows
Notepad accessory. Locate the portion of the file with the heading: [TL Data
Set Paths]. Add a line under this heading with the name and path for the new
Data Set. The format is: Data Set name = Data Set path. For example,
adding the Data Set name data.set to the Data Set path c:\Program
Files\Fluke\netdaq\_data.set results in the entry shown below.
[TL Data Set Paths]
data.set=c:\Program Files\Fluke\netdaq\_data.set
Save the changes and exit Notepad.