2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
changes in the Auto Rollover dialog box and then cancels the Data File
Configuration dialog box, the message will appear.
Channel [GCN] must be defined for calculation of computed channel
You tried to reference a channel set to OFF in a computed channel definition.
Make sure the channels you reference in computed channels have a function, even
if the function is another computed channel.
Communications Configuration File is Damaged! Delete CCF.CFG file
and reconfigure communications.
Your c:\Program Files\Fluke\netdaq\ccf.cfg file is corrupted.
Close NetDAQ Logger. Use the Windows Explorer feature to delete the existing
ccf.cfg file. Open NetDAQ Logger, and then select the Communications
Config command from the Setup menu to create a new ccf.cfg file. Reenter the
network parameters for each instrument.
Communication Interruption!
Communications with your instrument have been interrupted. This may be a
temporary condition.
Acknowledge the message. If the problem persists, check the network connections
and make sure the instrument is powered.
Communication Parameters Corrupted! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Communications with this instrument have already been opened!
You are trying to communicate with an instrument after communications have
already been established with the instrument.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Close NetDAQ
Logger and restart the application.