Network Considerations
Handling Token Ring Networks
7. Failure to communicate when using the Parallel to LAN Adapter (PLA)
In some computers the speed of the parallel port hardware is insufficient to
support the normal bi-directional communication used by the Silicom PLA. In
these rare cases, you must force use of the uni-directional communication on
this interface. You do this by adding the unidir switch to the driver.
If you are using the Trumpet TCP/IP package (isolated network), you place
the unidir switch on the command line in your autoexec.bat file where
the etpacket.com packet driver is loaded as follows:
The line in the autoexec.bat before the change:
c:\netdaq\etpacket.com int:60
The line in the autoexec.bat after the change:
c:\netdaq\etpacket.com int:60 unidir
If you are using the Newt TCP/IP package (General Network), you place the
unidir switch on a line in the driver information area of the
protocol.ini file (NDIS driver) as follows:
The lines in the protocol.ini file before the change:
The lines in the protocol.ini file after the change:
For further information on the unidir switch, see the Silicom SET User
8. Newt loads without error on a Novell work station, but cannot communicate
with NetDAQ instrument.
Be sure that there is only one net.cfg file, or that the one modified by the
newt installation program is also loaded by the Novell station.
Handling Token Ring Networks I-16.
If you need to install your NetDAQ system on an existing token ring network,
your network must contain a Gateway device (see “Network Interconnection
Devices” in this appendix). The Gateway must support both Ethernet and Token
Ring subnets, and must be capable of routing IP packets between these two
subnets. You will need to consult with your Network Administrator about setting
up the routing tables in the Ethernet to Token Ring Gateway device to allow
proper routing of IP packets.