2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Error registering window class!
Windows was unable to open NetDAQ Logger due to a conflict with other
versions of Windows, or Windows is operating with marginal memory.
Error returned from Trend Link function [Error]
The Trend Link application has experienced an error.
The Trend Link error message that appears will indicate the fault experienced by
Trend Link.
Ethernet Chip Failure! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Ethernet Parameters Corrupted! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Exceeded Nested Parentheses Limit!
Your equation contains too many sets of nested parentheses.
Do not use more than three sets of nested parentheses. The following examples
demonstrate how you should construct your equations when you use nested
Allowed: Not Allowed:
(-2*c21/c2)/(2*((c1+1)-(c21/c2)*(c1-1))) (-2*(abs(c1/(c2-c3))))