
2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
UDP User Datagram Protocol. A portion of the TCP/IP protocol. It supports
unreliable, connectionless, datagram services. UDP has much lower overhead
(both time and space) than TCP, but is unreliable and should be used only when
the application software provides algorithms for reliability, sequencing, flow
control, and other such services usually provided by TCP.
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair also called 10BaseT. A network wiring scheme
using twisted pair wiring and connectors that look somewhat like telephone jacks
and plugs.
WAN Wide Area Network. A network that supports hosts at locations that are far
apart. Usually refers to a network that covers more than one city and can refer to a
world-wide network.
Windows An operating environment developed by the Microsoft Corporation.
Also the name of a rectangular region on a computer screen containing the user
interface for a task or a portion of a task. Each MS Windows application
maintains at least one window (even though you can’t see some of them).