To recall, hide, or save a listed image:
1. Select the desired image (hover curser over image name) and right-click the mouse
button. A drop-down menu appears (Recall, Hide, and Save to Computer).
2. Select the desired action.
• If recalling the image, the selected image is displayed on the output.
• If hiding the image, the selected image is not displayed on the output.
• If saving the image to a computer a Save Image window opens allowing the user to
browse to a folder to save the selected image.
OSD Settings Page
The On Screen Display (OSD) Settings page allows the user to set captured image
options, set specific OSD display options, and select current per input OSD menus.
Click the OSD Settings icon on the global navigation bar to open the OSD Settings
Figure 50. OSD Settings Page
Capture options
This section allows the user to set the image format for capture and to select where to
save the image. In addition the captured image can be printed during capture.
To set the image format click the Image Format button and select the format from
the drop down menu.
To select where to save the captured image click the Save To button and select the
location from the drop down menu. If the Network Drive option is selected, a Change
button appears allowing the user to select the folder location. A separate Network Drive
Settings dialog box opens after clicking the Change button. This allows the user to
browse to a folder of choice and, if required, enter a user name and password.
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