Command ASCII command
(host to processor)
(processor to host)
Additional description
On-Screen Menu Configuration
Menu time-out
Set menu time-out
EX2*MDUR} MdurX2*]
Sets the menu duration to
View time-out
View setting.
NOTE: Setting the time-out to zero disables the on-screen display (OSD) time-out.
Menu display
Set output to show
EX7!MSHW} MshwX7!]
Sets which video outputs display the
View setting
View setting.
NOTE: If the menu is being displayed on one output, annotating in the menu area on outputs not showing the
menu still affects the menu. The area is safe for annotation on any screen after the menu times out and docks
Menu graphics
Load default OSD
E0MLOD} Mlod00]
Loads the factory default OSD from
the firmware.
Load user defined OSD
E1MLOD} Mlod01]
Checks the file system for custom
OSD and reloads the images.
OSD/front panel capture and recall button modes
Save to internal memory
E0MCAP} Mcap0]
Sets the OSD image capture button
to capture the image and save it to
internal flash memory. The image recall
is also set to the local storage only.
Save to IQC
E1MCAP} Mcap1]
Sets the OSD image capture button to
capture image to temporary memory
for Image Quick Capture (IQC). The
image recall is also set to the local
storage only.
Save to USB flash
E2MCAP} Mcap2]
Sets the OSD image capture button
to send image to the connected USB
flash device. The image recall is also
set to the USB and the local storage.
Save to network drive
E3MCAP} Mcap3]
Sets the OSD image capture button to
send image to the configured network
drive. The image recall is also set to
the designated network folder and the
local storage.
View setting
EMCAP} 3]/2]/1]/0]
View setting.
NOTE: In order for the network capture to occur, user must have set the Network Driver Capture Settings
(Domain, Username, and Password).
To print without saving a copy of the image file, set capture mode to Image Quick Capture (1)
NOTE: X2* = On-screen menu time-out (default = 10)
0 = Menu/cursor never times out
1 to 500, in 1 second increments
X7! = Output Group Selection; 0 = All outputs (Default), 1 = Output 1 Only (HDMI), 2 = Output 2A and 2B Only
(HDMI & DTP), 3 = None
Annotator 300 • SIS Communication and Control 53