Annotator Reset Mode Summary
Mode Activation Result Purpose/Notes
Use Factory Firmware
Hold down the recessed Reset button
while applying power to the unit
The Annotator 300 reverts to the factory
default rmware. Event scripting does
not start if the device is powered in this
mode. All user files and settings (drivers,
adjustments, IP settings) are maintained.
This mode reverts to the factory
default firmware version if
incompatibility issues arise with
user-loaded firmware.
NOTE: After a mode 1 reset is
performed, update the Annotator
300 firmware to the latest version.
Do not operate the firmware
version that results from this
mode reset. If you want to use
the factory default firmware,
you must upload that version
again. See page 71 for details on
uploading firmware.
NOTE: If you do not want to update
firmware, or you performed a mode
1 reset by mistake, cycle power to
the Annotator 300 to return to the
firmware version that was running
prior to the mode 1 reset. Use the
0Q SIS command to confirm that the
factory default firmware is no longer
running (look for asterisks following
the version number.)
NOTE: User-defined web
pages may not work
correctly if using an
earlier firmware version.
Reset all IP Settings
Hold down the Reset button for about
6 sec. until the Power LED blinks twice
(once at 3 sec., again at 6 sec.). Then
release and press Reset momentarily (for
<1 sec.) within 1 second.
NOTE: Nothing happens if the
momentary press does not occur
within 1 second.
This mode does the following:
• Enables ARP capability.
• Sets the IP address back to factory
default (
• Sets the subnet back to factory default.
• Sets the default gateway address to the
factory default.
• Sets port mapping back to factory
• Turns DHCP off.
• Turns events off.
This mode enables you to set IP
address information using ARP
and the MAC address.
Reset to Factory
Hold down the Reset button for about
9 sec. until the Power LED blinks three
times (once at 3 sec., again at 6 sec.,
again at 9 sec.). Then release and press
Reset momentarily (for <1 sec.) within 1
NOTE: Nothing happens if the
momentary press does not occur
within 1 second.
This mode performs a complete reset to
factory defaults (except the rmware).
• Does everything mode 4 does.
• Removes button/touchpanel
• Resets all IP options.
• Removes scheduling settings.
• Removes/clears all files from the unit.
This mode is useful if you want to
start over with configuration and
uploading, and also to replace
13Annotator 300 • Rear Panel Features and Connections