Reset Device
This option contains selectable reset modes for resetting the connected device.
From the Device drop-down menu, select Reset Device.... The Reset Device dialog
box opens.
Figure 30. Reset Device Dialog Box
To reset the device select the applicable radio button and click the Reset button.
Clicking the Close button closes the dialog box without resetting the device.
For device reset details, see the table on page 13.
Backup and Restore
This option saves current configurations and restores saved configurations.
From the Device drop-down menu, click Backup and Restore.... The System Backup
and Restore dialog box opens.
Figure 31. Backup and Restore Dialog Box
To save the current configuration settings to an external file:
1. In the Backup panel, click the Browse button. The Save As window opens.
2. Navigate to the desired save location on the host device and click the Save button.
The window closes.
3. Click the Backup button to save the configuration to an external file to the host
4. Click the Close button to close the System Backup and Restore window.
Annotator 300 • Product Configuration Software 70