Command ASCII command
(host to processor)
(processor to host)
Additional description
Annotation type
Set type
EX5)DRAW} DrawX5)]
Sets current annotation to
View type
View current annotation type.
Annotation coordinates
(no response)
Places the annotation location at
Complete annotation
EASTP} Astp]
Indicates the end of an annotation
NOTE: All coordinate values sent to the Annotator are interpreted according to the guidelines for the current
annotation type.
Example: Draw a square
Esc 00000000APNT} Esc 00100000APNT} Esc 00100010APNT} Esc 00000010APNT}
Esc 00000000APNT} Esc ASTP}
Annotation color
Set color
EX5(*X5#ACOL} AcolX5(*X5#] Sets the color to
for device X5(.
View color
EX5(ACOL} X5#]
View current annotation color.
NOTE: The color setting applies to all annotation types.
Annotation object fill
Enable object fill
E1FILL} Fill1]
Enable fill for new objects drawn.
Disable object fill
E0FILL} Fill0]
Disable fill for new objects drawn.
View setting
View current fill setting.
NOTE: The fill setting applies to rectangles and ellipses drawn after the setting has been modified.
Text configuration
Set text font
EX5!FONT} Font*X5!]
Set annotation font to
View font
View current font file name.
NOTE: Font files must be stored on the hardware in the “Font” folder.
Set text size
EX5@TXSZ} TxszX5@]
Set annotation text size to
View text size
View current text size.
NOTE: X1) = off/disable (0), on/enable (1)
X5) = Annotation type: 0 = eraser, 1 = pointer, 2 = freehand, 3 = highlighter, 4 = vector line, 5 = arrow line
(arrow appears at the endpoint of the vector), 6 = ellipse, 7 = rectangle, 8 = text tool, 9 = spotlight,
10 = zoom tool, 11 = pan tool
X5! = Font selection — 16 character file name including *.TTF extension, 0 = default font (DeJaVuSans)
X5@ = Font size — 8 to 63 point font (default = 18 pt)
X5# = Line color — 6 bit RGB, 64 total colors; 000000 = Black, 010000 = Dark red (33%), 100000 = Medium
red (66%), 110000 = Bright red (100%), 001100 = Bright green (66%), 000011 = Bright blue (default),
111111 = White, 010101 = Dark gray (33%)
X5& = Annotation coordinates — 8 digit number with first four being the X coordinate, the last four the
Y coordinate, limits = 1000,1000. Fixed for any output rate.
Example, (0,0) = 00000000 = top left; (500,500) = 05000500 = screen center.
X5( = All ports (0), USB device (1-64)
Annotator 300 • SIS Communication and Control 50