
172 | Index
Paper (continued)
Epson, 47 to 51
handling, 47 to 77
heavy stock, 72 to 73
jams, 162 to 163
Mac OS X options, 80 to 82,
89 to 92
non-Epson, 75 to 77
ordering, 47
printable area, 168
problems, 161 to 163
removing from spindle, 58 to 59
roll, 49 to 61
sizes, 166
specifications, 166 to 168
suction, 76, 89, 115
trim lines, 61, 91
Windows options, 108 to 113
Paper cutter
operating manually, 60
replacing blade, 138 to 141
Paper light, 17, 150
Paper Size setting
Mac OS X, 81 to 82
problems, 160
Windows, 108
Paper Source setting
problems, 160
Windows, 108, 112
Paper Type, selecting on control
panel, 50 to 51
Pause light, 17, 150
Pausing print jobs
Mac OS X, 97
Windows, 121
PhotoEnhance, 107
Platen Gap setting
control panel, 74
Macintosh, 89
problems, 157
Windows, 115
Posterboard, 72 to 73
Power cleaning cycle, 131
Power consumption, 165
Power light, 17, 150
Preset, Mac OS X, 96 to 97
Print as Bitmap setting, 122
Print head
aligning, 132 to 133
checking status, 126 to 127
cleaning, 128 to 131, 138
locking, 146
unlocking, 32
Print jobs
canceling, 97, 121
managing, 97, 121 to 124
pausing, 97, 121
Print quality
Mac OS X, 85
problems, 155 to 158
Windows, 104
Print speed, improving in Windows,
Printable area, 168
Printable pages, checking, 127
checking status, 98 to 99,
121 to 124, 126 to 127
cleaning, 144
connecting, 35
control panel, 17
dimensions, 165
firmware update, 43 to 45
maintaining, 125 to 144
monitoring, 98 to 99, 121 to 123
mounting on stand, 23 to 32
moving, 146 to 148
parts, 16
plugging in, 32
port, 159
removing shipping bracket, 32
setting up, 19 to 46
software, installing, 37 to 43
software, uninstalling, 164
specifications, 165 to 166
stand, unpacking and assembling,
20 to 21
status check, 126 to 127