Tips and Troubleshooting Chart (cont’d)
Problem Cause and Solution
Audio skipping occurs during playback. Many things can cause a “skip”, or any break during
playback. If you are hearing breaks in playback, here
are some things to check:
• When you hear a skip, restart the track, or
seek backwards a bit, to hear if the skip is
actually in the music file.
• Check to see if you are using the latest
firmware and desktop software. This is very
important, as software is updated frequently.
See PhatNoise Music Manager manual.
• Sometimes a heavily fragmented cartridge can
skip due to increased seek times. Defragment
the cartridge for best performance. See
PhatNoise Media Manager™ software
instructions for defragmenting a cartridge.
WMA files are not playing in the Mobile Digital Media
Some software such as Windows Media Player features
copy protection in their WMA encoding tools. This
prevents the tracks from playing on any device other
than your computer. Disable any “Copy Protect Music”
check box when encoding music. Consult your
software’s manual for more information.