9923142 - 2011 RANGER RZR / RZR S / RZR 4 Service Manual
© Copyright 2010 Polaris Sales Inc.
Battery Removal / Installation
See Chapter 2 “Maintenance” for battery removal and
installation procedures.
Battery Off Season Storage
Whenever the vehicle is not used for a period of three months or
more, remove the battery from the vehicle, ensure that it's fully
charged, and store it out of the sun in a cool, dry place. Check
battery voltage each month during storage and recharge as
needed to maintain a full charge.
NOTE: Battery charge can be maintained by using a
Polaris battery tender charger or by charging once a
month to make up for normal self-discharge. Battery
tenders can be left connected during the storage
period, and will automatically charge the battery if
the voltage drops below a pre-determined point.
Battery Testing
Whenever a service complaint is related to either the starting or
charging systems, the battery should be checked first.
Following are two tests which can easily be made on a sealed
Maintenance Free battery to determine its condition: OCV Test
and a Load Test.
OCV - Open Circuit Voltage Test
Battery voltage should be checked with a digital multitester.
Readings of 12.6 volts or less require further battery testing and
charging. See the following chart and “Load Test”.
NOTE: Maintenance Free batteries should be kept at
a high state of charge during storage. If the battery is
stored or used at a low state of charge, hard crystal
sulfation will form on the plates, reducing the
efficiency and service life of the battery.
NOTE: Use a volt/ohm meter to test battery voltage.
Load Test
A battery may indicate a full charge condition in the OCV test,
but still may not have the storage capacity necessary to properly
function in the electrical system. For this reason, a battery
capacity or load test should be conducted whenever poor battery
performance is encountered.
To perform this test, use a load testing device that has an
adjustable load. Apply a load of three times the ampere-hour
rating. At 14 seconds into the test, check battery voltage. A good
12V battery will have at least 10.5 volts. If the reading is low,
charge the battery and retest.
Battery PN 4011496
State of Charge Maintenance Free
100% 13.0 V
75% Charged 12.8 V
50% Charged 12.5 V
25% Charged 12.0 V
0% Charged 11.5 V or less
Battery PN 4011224
State of Charge Maintenance Free
100% 12.8 V and up
75% Charged 12.6 V
50% Charged 12.3 V
25% Charged 12.0 V
0% Charged 11.8 V or less
To prevent shock or component damage, remove spark
plug high tension leads and connect securely to
engine ground before proceeding.