The following actions can increase the
chance of losing control of the vehicle if
there is a sudden loss of tire air pressure.
Losing control of the vehicle may cause a
collision and result in personal injury.
● The vehicle generally moves or pulls in
the direction of the flat tire.
● Do not rapidly apply the brakes.
● Do not rapidly release the accelerator
● Do not rapidly turn the steering wheel.
1. Remain calm and do not over react.
2. Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel
with both hands and try to hold a straight
3. When appropriate, slowly release theaccel-
erator pedal to gradually slow the vehicle.
4. Gradually steer the vehicle toa safe location
off the road and away from traffic if possible.
5. Lightly apply the brake pedal to gradually
stop the vehicle.
6. Turn on the hazard warning flashers and
either contacta roadside emergencyservice
to change the tire or see “Changing a flat
tire”in the “In case of emergency”section of
this manual.
Never drive under the influence of alcohol
or drugs. Alcohol in the bloodstream re-
duces coordination, delays reaction time
and impairs judgement. Driving after
drinking alcohol increases the likelihood
of being involved in an accident injuring
yourself and others. Additionally, if you
are injured in an accident, alcohol can
increase the severity of the injury.
NISSAN is committed to safe driving. However,
you must choose not to drive under the influence
of alcohol. Every year thousands of people are
injured or killed in alcohol-related accidents. Al-
though the local laws vary on what is considered
to be legally intoxicated, the fact is that alcohol
affects all people differently and most people
underestimate the effects of alcohol.
Remember, drinking and driving don’t mix! And
that is true for drugs, too (over-the-counter, pre-
scription, and illegal drugs) . Don’t drive if your
ability to operateyour vehicle is impaired byalco-
hol, drugs, or some other physical condition.
Your NISSAN is designed for both normal and
off-road use. However, avoid driving in deep wa-
ter ormud asyour NISSAN ismainly designedfor
leisure use, unlike a conventional off-road ve-
Remember that two-wheel drive models are less
capable than four-wheel drive models for rough
road driving and extrication when stuck in deep
snow or mud, or the like.
Please observe the following precautions:
● Drive carefully when off the road and
avoid dangerous areas. Every person
who drives or rides in this vehicle
should be seated with their seat belt
fastened. This will keep you and your
passengers in position when driving
over rough terrain.
● Do not drive across steep slopes. In-
stead drive either straight up or straight
down the slopes. Off-road vehicles can
tip over sideways much more easily
than they can forward or backward.
Starting and driving 5-7
2010 Armada (wzw)
Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)