N-Series User Manual
How do I add sound files to My Sounds Admin?
My Sounds Admin is used to compile a list of sound files for you to select an audible alert from when
editing the Point of Interest file options.
Map POI Editor
1. Click .
The My Sounds Admin window will open.
2. Add, delete or play sound files as required:
If you want to... Then...
add a sound file
to select a WAVE (.wav) sound file from your local or
network drive. When you have located the sound file, select it
and click Open.
delete a sound file
select the sound file from the list and click
play a sound file
select the sound file from the list and click
3. Click OK to save your list of sound files and close the My Sounds Admin window.
How do I delete a Custom POI File from my
Points of Interest
1. Click .
The Manage POI Files window will open, displaying a list of custom POI files installed on your
2. Click the File Name or Size of the file to delete.
3. Click Delete.
The file is removed from the list, but is not yet deleted.
4. To select another file to delete, go back to step 2; otherwise, continue to step 5.
5. Click OK and accept the changes.
The selected file or files are deleted.