Cleaning motorcycle
Material damageಗDamage and destruction of components by high-pressure cleaning equipment.
ಥ Never clean the vehicle with high-pressure cleaning equipment or a strong water-jet. The excessive pressure can penetrate electri-
cal components, connects, Bowden cables, and bearings, etc., and can damage or destroy these parts.
Environmental hazardಗProblem materials cause environmental damage.
ಥ Dispose of oil, grease, filters, fuel, cleaning substances, brake fluid, batteries, etc. according to regulations.
If you clean the motorcycle regularly, its value and appearance are maintained over a long period.
Avoid direct sunshine on the motorcycle during cleaning.
ಥ Before you clean the motocycle, seal the exhaust system to prevent penetration by water.
ಥ First remove coarse dirt particles with a gentle water spray.
ಥ Spray very dirty areas with a normal motorcycle cleaner and then clean with a paintbrush.
Motorcycle cleaner ( P. 84)
Use warm water containing normal motorcycle cleaner and a soft sponge.
ಥ After rinsing the motorcycle with a gentle water spray, allow it to dry thoroughly.
ಥ Empty the carburetor float chamber. ( P. 62)
Danger of accidentsಗReduced braking due to wet or dirty brakes.
ಥ Clean or dry dirty or wet brakes by riding and braking gently.
ಥ After cleaning, ride the vehicle a short distance until the engine warms up, and then apply the brakes.
The heat produced causes water at inaccessible positions in the engine and the brakes to evaporate.
ಥ Push back the protection covers on the handlebar instruments to allow water to evaporate.
ಥ After the motorcycle has cooled off, oil or grease all moving parts and bearings.
ಥ Clean the chain. ( P. 34)
ಥ Treat bare metal parts (except for brake discs and exhaust system) with anti-corrosion materials.
Cleaning and polishing materials for metal, rubber and plastic ( P. 84)
ಥ Treat all painted parts with a mild paint polish.
High-luster polish for paint ( P. 85)
ಥ To prevent electrical problems, treat electric contacts and switches with contact spray.
Contact spray ( P. 85)