Fire hazardಗSome components (engine, radiator and exhaust system) get very hot when the engine is running.
ಥ Do not place the vehicle where there are flammable or explosive substances.
ಥ Brake the motorcycle.
ಥ Shift gear to neutral.
ಥ Press the short circuit button when the engine is idling until the engine stops.
ಥ Turn the handle
of the fuel tap to theOFF position. (Figure500178-10 P. 11)
ಥ Stand the motorcycle on a hard surface.
Fire hazardಗFuel can easily catch fire.
ಥ Never fill up the vehicle near open flames or burning cigarettes, and always switch off the engine first. Be careful that no
fuel is spilt, especially on hot vehicle components. Clean up spilt fuel immediately.
ಥ Fuel in the fuel tank expands when warm and can escape if the tank is overfilled. See specifications on filling up with fuel.
Danger of poisoningಗFuel is poisonous and a health hazard.
ಥ Avoid contact between fuel and skin, eyes and clothing. Do not inhale fuel vapors. If fuel gets into your eyes, rinse imme-
diately with water and contact a doctor. Wash affected skin areas immediately with soap and water. If fuel is swallowed,
contact a doctor immediately. Change clothing that has come into contact with fuel.
Environmental hazardಗImproper handling of fuel is a danger to the environment.
ಥ Do not allow fuel to get into the ground water, the ground, or the sewage system.
ಥ Open the filler cap. ( P. 11)
ಥ Fill the fuel tank with fuel up to measurement
Measurement of
35mm (1.38in)
Tank capacity 8.2l
Super unleaded (ROZ 95 / RON 95 /
PON 91) ( P. 82)
ಥ Close the filler cap. ( P. 11)