Longitudinal Zone Offset Longitudinal Zone Offset
W180.0º to W172.5º -12 E007.5º to E022.5º 1
W172.5º to W157.5º -11 E022.5º to E037.5º 2
W157.5º to W142.5º -10 E037.5º to E052.5º 3
W142.5º to W127.5º -9 E052.5º to E067.5º 4
W127.5º to W112.5º -8 E067.5º to E082.5º 5
W112.5º to W097.5º -7 E082.5º to E097.5º 6
W097.5º to W082.5º -6 E097.5º to E112.5º 7
W082.5º to W067.5º -5 E112.5º to E127.5º 8
W067.5º to W052.5º -4 E127.5º to E142.5º 9
W052.5º to W037.5º -3 E142.5º to E157.5º 10
W037.5º to W022.5º -2 E157.5º to E172.5º 11
W022.5º to W007.5º -1 E172.5º to E180.0º 12
W007.5º to E007.5º 0
Messages &
Time Offsets
Route Waypoint was Deleted—A route waypoint entered does not exist in the database
and has been deleted from the route.
RTCM Input has Failed—DGPS data being received has been lost. You are no longer
receiving the beacon signal.
Searching the Sky—The GPS 120XL is searching the sky for almanac data or the unit is in
Stored Data was Lost—All waypoints, routes, time and almanac data have been lost due
to battery failure or clearing the receiver’s memory.
Transfer has been Completed—The receiver is finished uploading or downloading infor-
mation to the connected device.
WPT Memory is Full—You have used all 250 waypoints in the GPS 120XL. Delete
unwanted waypoints to make room for new entries.
The chart below gives the UTC time offset for the various longitudinal zones. If
you are in daylight savings time, add one hour to the offset.
120XL Man RevB 7/10/98 10:55 AM Page 61