
558D036 (3 TON)
Standard Direct-Drive Motor
Low Speed High Speed
208 v 230, 460, 575 v 208 v 230, 460, 575 v
ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts
900 0.67 0.21 253 0.68 0.23 277 0.69 0.26 307 0.69 0.31 363
1000 0.60 0.23 270 0.61 0.25 292 0.61 0.27 321 0.63 0.32 374
1100 0.55 0.24 287 0.56 0.26 307 0.57 0.28 335 0.58 0.33 385
1200 0.51 0.26 304 0.51 0.27 323 0.52 0.29 349 0.53 0.34 397
1300 0.45 0.27 321 0.46 0.29 338 0.46 0.31 364 0.47 0.34 408
1400 0.38 0.29 338 0.41 0.30 354 0.43 0.32 378
1500 0.34 0.30 355 0.36 0.31 369 0.38 0.33 392
Bhp Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
ESP External Static Pressure (in. wg)
FIOP Factory-Installed Option
Watts Input Watts to Motor
1. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 47 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
2. Extensivemotor and electrical testing on these units ensures that the
full range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using your
fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will not result in nui-
sance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be
affected. For additional information on motor performance, refer to
Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance table on page 62.
3. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your lo-
cal representative for details.
4. Minimum allowable cfm is 300 cfm/ton.
558D036 (3 TON)
Alternate Belt-Drive Motor
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
900 581 0.12 119 673 0.18 179 736 0.22 219 805 0.25 249 865 0.29 288 911 0.34 338
1000 644 0.19 189 709 0.22 219 782 0.28 279 835 0.30 298 900 0.35 348 937 0.38 378
1100 687 0.22 219 746 0.26 259 806 0.30 298 867 0.35 348 929 0.40 398 964 0.40 398
1200 733 0.26 259 785 0.32 318 843 0.35 348 903 0.41 408 960 0.47 467 994 0.50 497
1300 754 0.29 288 826 0.38 378 891 0.43 428 942 0.48 477 991 0.53 527 1047 0.60 597
1400 810 0.35 348 868 0.45 448 937 0.51 507 984 0.57 567 1032 0.62 617 1067 0.67 666
1500 841 0.42 418 911 0.53 527 985 0.61 607 1029 0.66 656 1073 0.72 716 1109 0.77 766
558D036 (3 TON) (cont)
Alternate Belt-Drive Motor
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
900 957 0.39 388 988 0.43 428 1039 0.45 448 1061 0.47 487 1083 0.53 527 1105 0.57 567
1000 992 0.44 438 1039 0.49 487 1061 0.51 507 1086 0.55 547 1111 0.59 587 1136 0.63 627
1100 1013 0.49 487 1068 0.55 547 1090 0.58 577 1109 0.61 607 1127 0.64 637 1145 0.67 666
1200 1045 0.56 557 1090 0.64 637 1109 0.64 647 1156 0.68 676 1203 0.71 706 1250 0.74 736
1300 1075 0.64 637 1122 0.70 696 1152 0.72 716 1190 0.76 756 1228 0.80 796 1266 0.84 836
1400 1110 0.73 726 1160 0.84 766 1181 0.81 806 1237 0.85 845 1293 0.89 885 1349 0.93 925
1500 1150 0.82 816 1190 1.00 855 1225 0.90 895 1271 0.95 945 1317 1.00 995 1363 1.05 1044
Bhp Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP Factory-Installed Option
Watts Input Watts to Motor
1. Boldface indicates a field-supplied drive is required. (See Note 7.)
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
indicates maximum usable bhp/watts.
4. Maximum usable watts input is 1000 and maximum continuous bhp
is 1.00. Extensive motor and electricaltesting onthese unitsensures
that the full range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using
your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will not result in nui-
sance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be
affected. For additional information on motor performance, refer to
Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance table on page 62.
5. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 47 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
6. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your lo-
cal representative for details.
7. Motor drive range: 760 to 1000 rpm. All other rpms require field-
supplied drive.
8. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
9. Minimum allowable cfm is 300 cfm/ton.