
Appendix 2: IHO ECDIS Chart 1
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has published a set of charts where you can find examples of
symbology used in S57 charts. You can study them by using the "Info/Help" feature and by switching different
layers ON and OFF in the Chart Display dialog box. Everything is visible if you set all layers for "Standard" or
"Other" in the Other 1 and Other 2 pages in the Chart Display dialog box.
To open the IHO ECDIS Chart 1on the display, do the following:
1. Spin the scrollwheel to show Menu/Info/Chart Menu in the mouse functions area then push the right mouse
2. Roll the wheel to choose ECDIS Chart 1 from the menu then push the scrollwheel.
3. Choose Overview from the menu then push the scrollwheel.
4. Spin the scrollwheel to choose desired item then push the scrollwheel.
See the next several pages for the display associated with each dialog box item.