10. How to Plan Routes
10.3.2 How to use the Alerts page
The Alerts page lets you define conditions along a route for which you want to be alerted, by visual or audible
indication. (You cannot get both visual and audible indications for a condition.) You can choose safety contour and
chart alerts used to check the safety of the route. This allows you to check safety with conditions different from
those chosen for system use. This is useful when making a route for different loading or sailing conditions.
Enable changes
Check here in order to enable editing.
Note: A route may only be modified when using the north-up or course-up mode.
Ignore during monitoring
Chart objects in this list box are not used for chart alert calculation.
Indication during monitoring
Chart objects in this list box are used for chart alert calculation. Only the visual
alert is released.
Alarm/warning during
Chart objects in this list box are used for chart alert calculation. Both visual and
audible alerts of chosen chart objects are generated by the system.
Safety contour
Deep contour chosen for chart alert calculation
Copy from Chart Alert
Copy system settings to here.