12. User Chart Control
12.2 What is a User Chart Point and how is it Used?
A point is a center point for a sub chart inside a user chart. Sub charts are small enough (max 80 elements) to be sent
for display on the radar. Sub charts are made with post processing, which is performed automatically, when you
leave editing (i.e., you uncheck Enable changes), you close the user chart window with the CANCEL button on the
keyboard-equipped control unit or you choose a user chart from the menu.
The system doesn't require any points if the amount of lines intended for the Radar display is less than 60 and if the
amount of symbols intended for the Radar display is less than 20. Note than lines are counted both from lines and
area objects.
If the user chart has more than 60 lines or 20 symbols and if the user chart does not contain any points, the system
will generate the alert "381 UserChart: Need Points" when you choose that user chart for use. It reminds you that
only a part of your lines will be visible on the connected Radar, if you don't define points.
The symbol used for points is box with "i" inside:
This is an example of a complex user chart with several hundreds of lines and symbols. The Radar can display max.
60 lines and 20 symbols from the complete user chart. Points are used to create sub-charts for Radar use. Each point
can collect 60 nearest lines and 20 nearest symbols in a sub chart.