20. Alerts
20.6 Description of the Alert Priority System
The permanently visible alert is the top most urgent alert at any moment
• Alerts have priority from 1 to 2 to control urgency. Priority 1 is the highest Priority 1 and 2 indicate
unacknowledged state. Priority 8 and 9 indicate acknowledged state. The "list of alerts chapters" shows the
priorities for each alert with following syntax: "/1" at the end first line means priority = 1, "/1/8" at the end of
first line means that priority is = 1, if unacknowledged and priority = 8, if acknowledged but the state of alert
still exists.
• Warnings have priority from 3 to 7 with same kind of syntax as alerts. Priorities from 3 to 7 indicate
unacknowledged state. Priorities from 10 and 14 indicate acknowledged state. You may view the alerts in the
Alert Queue. Put the cursor on the alert text and then push the right mouse button. See the example below.
How to read the Alert Queue (first row as an
• First digit "05" indicates alarm priority.
• Second three digits "712" indicate alarm number.
• Third six digits indicate time.
• Text indicates reason of alarm "Position source
• The example shows how alarm 712 changes its
priority from 05 to 12 after it is acknowledged.
How to read the Alert Queue for an alert from a
connected sensor:
• First digit "07" indicates alarm priority.
• Second four characters "POS2" indicate source. In
this example sensor connected to serial line (POS2 =
Position equipment 2).
• Third three digits indicate number from ALR.
• Next six digits indicate arrival time of ALR.
• Followed characters are text from ALR