1. Operational Overview
Picture freeze
If the picture freezes the picture is not updated. 30 seconds after the picture freezes, the buzzer sounds, the ALARM
ACK key blinks and alarm contact signal is output. Reset the power to restore normal operation.
How to stop antenna rotation
Antenna rotation can be stopped. One method is to turn off the antenna switch on the radar. The other method is to
stop rotation from the menu. For how to stop rotation from the menu, see the installation manual.
About on-screen boxes and indications
The on-screen boxes, like the TX STBY box, provide for adjustment of the item that appears on their labels. Some
indications also function to provide adjustment of a specific function. When you put the cursor inside a box or on an
indication, the color of the label in the box or the indication changes (example: yellow to green). This indicates that
the box or indication is correctly selected. Then, you can change setting by pushing the left button.
1.3 Monitor Brilliance
The brilliance of the entire screen should be adjusted according to lighting conditions. Monitor brilliance should be
adjusted before adjusting relative brilliance levels on the BRILL menu.
Note: The brilliance of a commercial monitor cannot be adjusted from the radar. See the owner’s manual of the
commercial monitor for how to adjust its brilliance.
How to adjust brilliance with the keyboard-equipped control unit
Operate the BRILL control to adjust brilliance. Turn it clockwise to increase brilliance; counterclockwise to
decrease brilliance. Watch the BRILL box (see illustration below) to know current brilliance level.
How to adjust brilliance with the trackball
1. Use the trackball to place the arrow on the brilliance level indicator in the BRILL box at the bottom left corner
of the screen.
Brilliance level
Put arrow inside box to
adjust screen brilliance.
Brilliance color set no.
2. Spin the scrollwheel downward to increase brilliance or spin it upward to decrease brilliance. The length of the
brilliance bar increases or decreases with operation of the scrollwheel.
Note: If nothing appears on the screen at power-up when using Control Unit RCU-015 (palm control) or when the
radar is in stand-by, push and hold down any key except the power switch for four seconds to automatically set up
for medium display brilliance.