8. Manual Updates
8.5.2 How to insert new chart objects
The mariner can insert a new object either using New or Copy. With New he creates a new feature from scratch.
With Copy he uses an already existing object as an example for the new inserted feature.
How to insert new chart objects using "new"
When you want to create a new object from a scratch, you start creating by clicking the New button in the Manual
Update Planning dialog box. A S57 Object window appears. In this window you can choose geometric type of
object (Point, Line or Area) and type of object:
Object type (category)
• Standard orange. This category is reserved for simple orange symbols.
• Single. All self-understandable chart objects that can be created based on a single chosen chart object. Examples
are different kind of restricted and warning areas, light ships, anchorage symbols, etc.
• Nav Aid. Nav Aid is a guided method to create navigational aids such as lights and buoys, because they consist
of several objects put together with master and slave relationships.
• Easy Lateral Sea Mark. Guided method to create nav aid easily for any lateral sea marks.
• Easy Cardinal Sea Mark. Guided method to create nav aid easily for any cardinal sea marks.
• Easy Other Sea Mark. Guided method to create nav aid easily for any other sea marks.
• Easy Obstruction. Guided method to create obstructions.
• Easy Light. Guided method to create nav aid easily for any simple lights.