8. Manual Updates
Example of how to insert a nav aid
A light is only a light - it also requires a support that could be a pile or buoy, etc. Body and top mark of a buoy are
separated to enable a vast number of possible combinations.
1. Follow steps 1-3 on page 8-4 to display the Manual Update Planning dialog box.
2. Click the New button.
3. Choose Point as Drawing Type; choose Nav Aid as Category. Then use the cursor to choose desired icon from
the master object.
4. Click the Set as Master button.
5. When you have set a master object, you can define nav aid slaves for it. Use the cursor to choose desired icon
(for example, Light) of a slave object.
6. Click the Set as Nav Aid Slave button. If you need more than one slave object continue from step 5.
7. When you are ready with master and its slave objects, click the Accept New Object button. The new object
w/slave (two lights) is shown in the list box.
8. Then, set the position of your master and slave objects. Click the Edit Properties button.
9. Click the Edit Position button.
10. Put the cursor on desired location on the chart radar display and the push the left button. Push the Accept button.
11. To edit the Master and Slave relationship, click the Edit Master/Slave relationship button and make necessary
changes. Click the Accept button.
12. Click the Accept button.
13. Click the Accept Manual Updates as Permanent button.
10. Set postion with cursor
and push left mouse
button. Press Accept