9. Chart Alerts
9.4 Route Planning
The system will calculate chart alerts using user-defined channel limit for routes. Danger areas are shown
highlighted if safety contour or user-chosen chart alert areas are crossed by the planned route. For more information
on route planning, see Chapter 10.
Note: If your voyage is going to take a long time or you are planning it much earlier than it is to take place, use
display and approve dates corresponding to the dates you are going to sail.
9.4.1 Chart alerts for route planning
You can generate a list of chart alerts that cross by the planned route. This can be done as follows:
1. Enter safety contour you want to use. See section 9.1.1 How to select safety contour.
2. Plan a route; define waypoints and other necessary information. See Chapter 10.
3. Choose dangerous objects to be monitored during route monitoring, on the Alerts page in the Plan Route dialog
box, shown below.
a) Open the Plan Route dialog box by selecting User Chart and Plan in the sidebar.
b) Click the Alerts tab.
c) Check the Enable changes box, then click the alert to process from the Ignore during monitoring list then
click the Indication or Alarm/Warning button as appropriate to choose what type of alert you want.
4. Click the Check tab then click the Start button to generate a list of chart alerts.
Alerts by leg
Legs by alert
Planned Notes
The system will check a route leg by leg and when finished you will see the number of Legs and Alerts below
the tab buttons.
Alerts by leg
Legs by alert
Alerts: 11
Legs by alert
Alerts by leg
Planned Notes
The figure above shows the alerts to be monitored. If there are alerts included in the planned route, check alerts
leg by leg, or check alerts by using category of alert.